MVC Development Courses Online
Here we signpost some of the best ASP.Net MVC development courses online from leading training providers. Study MVC programming with e-learning and develop foundational skills for careers in creating web applications, mobile apps and modern user interfaces. TalkIT:...
Java Development Courses Online
Java programming is used for careers in AR & VR, software, building web applications, gaming, cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT), mobile apps, self-driving cars and even space exploration!
C++ Development Courses Online
The C++ programming language can be found in web browsers, video games, operating systems, robots, microcontrollers and artificial intelligence. Developing skills in this area could be a valuable career development move.
Free Online Courses & Open Learning Resources
Here is a list of great websites providing free online courses and open learning resources worldwide. These, some of the best providers of e-learning content and services for online education and training, are listed in alphabetical order. Coursera...
e-Learning Event: Technology in Higher Education – data analytics, learning experience & MOOCs
On 18th October 2017, the e-learning event: Technology in Higher Education - data analytics, the learning experience and next steps for MOOCs will be held in Central London, UK. This is a CPD Certified higher education event, focused on learning technology. Here is an...
LMS Survey – Only 58% of Users Satisfied
Virtual College recently sent out an LMS market survey in late 2016, where they asked organisations how they felt about their current Learning Management Systems. The results highlighted a mix of opinions that people feel towards their current LMS. Perhaps most...
A Review of My Showcase
My Showcase: the next generation of e-portfolio technologies. E-portfolios have been in use for a number of years but beyond the narrow remit of education they have not broken into the mainstream of learning and development. As with SCORM, the standards of...
A Review of Kokm
Kokm is more than an LMS. Kokm provides an online business solution: an intranet, an extranet, a resource library and an LMS. This means that Kokm is a slightly different product to the stand-alone LMS which we usually review.
The services which Kokm provides constitute a unified platform which, through the integration and unification of its services facilitates communication, connection and learning within a business. These three features are all features of a good LMS, and so the holistic Kokm package may not be as far from a traditional LMS as we think. In short this is an LMS aimed at that once mythical concept of the Learning Organisation.
A Review of scormLMS
Learning Technologies 2015 Trends
Last week Learning Technologies took place at the Olympia in London. Learning Technologies sees some of the big names and promising new-comers in the corporate learning sphere showing off their new learning technology, and talking about the methods they use for delivering effective learning in the workplace.
It was my first time at Learning Technologies (LT) after joining Learning Light as a research analyst in October 2014.