Course Overview
Manual handling is the transporting or supporting of a load by hand or bodily force. Over the course of this video we’ll show you some of the best ways to do this.
At the end of the video, trainees will:
» Understand what the four key areas are.
» Recognise that there are six clear steps to preforming a safe lift.
» Be aware of the consequences of an incorrect lift.
» Identify possible hazards of conducting an incorrect lift.
» Develop an insight into the dangers of pulling incorrectly.
» Remember the key points when carrying out a team lift.
Our view… This is an original and creative 18 minute video featuring the world’s strongest man! By drawing on his expertise this video teaches you about proper manual handling technique.
This e-learning course only provides awareness education. Face to face training would be needed in addition in order to complete the all round skills and knowledge to be able to carry this forward practically in your organisation.

This training course is approved by ROSPA – The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.