These 5 e-learning videos lasting over 41 minutes cover Note Taking and the preparation of Official Minutes from meetings.
Welcome to our series on Note Taking. You might be thinking, “Hey what’s going on here? I thought my note taking days were over when I finished school?” Well, it turns out there are all kinds of things going on at work that require you to take notes.
Sometimes note taking is not just about personal notes for you, the organization needs an official record of a meeting. This requires a special type of notes called Minutes. So what do you need to do if you’re the one creating Minutes for the meeting?
- Factors
- Writing Ergonomics
- How to Speed Up Your Writing
- How to Take Notes
- How to Produce Official Minutes
Our view…..a really neat course for people new in the workplace or just new to note and minute taking. With some great hints and tips, this is really useful e-learning, just enough and just in time to help with those meeting notes.