Course Overview
By taking this course you will be able to appreciate the effectiveness of talent management. At the end of the course, trainees will be able to:
» Define talent management and recognise its importance.
» Appreciate the value of a top-down commitment to talent management.
» Assess ways of attracting top talent to your team and boosting the talent in it.
» Manage and reward talent appropriately and manage employee turnover to retain talent.
» Measure the effectiveness of talent management in your organisation.
Our view… This is an engaging 35-40 minute interactive course. It teaches you about Talent Management – how to identify talent, how to recruit talented people, and how to keep and develop those talented people within your organisation. Excellent for anyone who wishes to develop their organisation and the people within it to their full potential.
This training course is approved by ROSPA – The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.