Building for the Future 70 20 10 Career Development

building developmentBuilding for the Future 70 20 10 Career Development Toolkit using e-learning videos and downloadable materials

In these 7 modules you will look at the competencies needed to identify the actions and plan required to build the skills needed and to obtain the desired future role.

  • Create a skill development plan
  • Strengthen your personal network
  • Create a solid career plan
  • Brand yourself to others
  • Create a career plan with your employee
  • Identify skill development opportunities for your employee
  • Help build your employee’s professional network

Our view…what can we say other than very useful learning materials, again practical and with purpose to help learners and managers identify career options and create a development plan to accomplish future career goals and aspirations.

Remember, Research shows that 70 to 80% of development happens on-the-job.

The Career Development modules include actions for individuals and managers to systematically to identify, plan and action career and skill development.

Our Career Development Toolkit contains learning content for up to fourteen actions.

Buy the Building Development Course

The e-learning videos will be available for 1 learner for 90 days from date of purchase and costs only £35.00