Business Ethics

business ethicsThis course contains two elearning modules: Ethics for Everyone and Ethics for Managers.

The course lasts for over 15 minutes and teaches you about ethics in a business context.

Our View: Ethics can seem like a daunting topic but really much of it is intuitive. This course teaches you how to use the ethical lessons you have learned in everyday life and apply them to the business world.

  • Ethics for Everyone (9:00)

The topic of ethics has been around a long time, all the way back to Plato and Aristotle who were the founders of what’s called virtue ethics—that ethics is a virtue to be sought after. But when it comes to business how do we apply “playing fair”? Well there’s more to it than that. Let’s take a look at a definition of business ethics.

  • Ethics for Managers (6:18)

In this program we’re going to be talking about leader to-dos. What really works in terms of improving ethical behavior? It’s leadership. Research clearly shows that ethical leadership is incredibly important, and is proven to actually change the way people behave.

This course costs £8, and you have 30 days to complete it after purchase.

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