Business Improvement and Productivity 5S

business improvementBusiness Improvement and Productivity including Business Improvement Techniques (BIT)

The 5s productivity suite is based on a Japanese management tool that was proposed to instil ‘lean working’ within employees. 5s aims to offer a workplace that stays ordered and clean. This will improve the working environment and efficiency in which tasks can be finalised. The course looks at what each specific 5s involves and offers, it also includes a module offering a summary of the tasks that should be undertaken for each S.

Upon completion of this 5s productivity e-learning module learners will understand:

The reasoning behind implementing 5S in the workplace and why Sorting is important
How to arrange the workplace to make it more efficient and productive
Why and how to make items easily identifiable
The importance of keeping work areas and items clean
The importance of regularly inspecting work areas for faults
The three steps involved in standardising
How to audit and sustain progress.

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