Course Overview
Many people think that slips are inevitable and unavoidable; they’re just freak accidents – but the truth is, they’re not. This video covers how accidents can be avoided and identifying dangers.
At the end of the video, trainees will be able to:
» Identify what can cause a slip and eliminate this from happening; including cleaning up spills, spill kits, good housekeeping and appropriate footwear.
» Prevent and reduce the risks of trips.
» Consider factors when working above ground level; the use of ladders, weather & lighting.
Our view… This is an entertaining and professional 20 minute video. It teaches you about the most common accident in the workplace: slips, trips and falls. It teaches you how to identify when these accidents can occur and how to avoid them. Great!
This training course is approved by ROSPA – The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.