These 9 e-learning videos lasting over 1 hour and 58 minutes cover Supervision training.
The job of “supervisor” is one of the toughest in any organization. It’s where the buck stops from the top, and concerns start from the bottom. Learn how to be a supervisor and how to get the most out of your people through these practical techniques
• Analysing Poor Performers
• Motivating Won’t Dos
• Productivity Through Praise
• Progressive Discipline
• Managing Different Generations
• Assertiveness without Aggressiveness
• Staying Positive
• Going from Co-worker to Boss
• Supervising a Pronoid
Our view…. This collection of e-learning videos is an absolute gem….this level of career progression has not been dealt with very effectively in the e-learning market in our view, and these e-learning videos really do that. They cover supervisory skills with great practical advice, (and there are more e-learning videos in our collection on coaching, employee engagement and ethics you should really consider). This is one of our favourite e-learning courses and one that will have a fantastic impact in any organisation dedicated to improving leadership and management at all levels, this content will really support employees making the step up to a supervisory role exceptionally well.