Course Overview
By taking this course you will be able to work more effectively as a team, identify different types of teams and identify the key stages of team development.
At the end of the course, trainees will be able to:
» Define teamwork and identify types of teams
» Recognise the strengths and weakness of team working, and the key stages of team development.
» Identify the main team roles according to Belbin’s theory
» Recognise the value of knowing your own team
» Identify common ‘flashpoints’, the possible consequences of conflict and the characteristics of effective and ineffective teams.
» Recognise the value of celebrating team success and learning from any mistakes.
Our view… This is an engaging 35-40 minute interactive course. It teaches you about teamwork – how to build a good team, how to work in a team, and how to manage the failures and successes within a team. Essential for anyone who works as part of or leads a team.
This training course is approved by ROSPA – The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.