Course Overview
This course on Workstation Setup looks at how you can setup your workstation so that you can be as comfortable as possible and so that it can help you avoid any future health problems.
At the end of the course, trainees will:
» Understand the importance of setting up your workstation.
» Identify correct use of DSE equipment.
» Understand the importance of taking breaks whilst working in front of a screen.
» Identify the importance of correct posture.
Our view… This course lasts for 10-15 minutes. It teaches you about how to set up your Workstation in order to avoid health problems by providing you with information and then quizzing you on it.
This e-learning course only provides awareness education. Face to face training would be needed in addition in order to complete the all round skills and knowledge to be able to carry this forward practically in your organisation.
This training course is approved by ROSPA – The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.