Sway this Way (Persuasion Skills)

sway this wayWant to bring one or more people around to your way of thinking? Take this topic to learn how to do the ground work and pick your moment.

This Ready to Go Fundamentals topic will help you:

Explain why being a good influencer is a positive skill (WHY)

Define your goal and negotiating range (WHAT)

Identify the optimum time to use influencing skills (WHEN)

Describe the environment in which influencing skills will be most effective (WHERE)

Practise five core influencing skills (HOW)

Our view… This short interactive course is great for anyone who wants to learn to art of persuasion. It teaches you how to positively influence people using an innovative and easy-to-remember approach. All for only £6!

Buy the SwaythisWay Persuasion Skills Course