For e-learners in the education sector, Moodle 2 is the highly anticipated new version of the world’s most popular virtual learning environment (VLE).
Many don’t realise that Moodle has been around since 1999 – longer than the likes of Facebook and YouTube. The fact that this VLE or ‘LMS’ (learning management system) is open source, and therefore free, has enabled its user base to quickly spread worldwide to virtually every country. During this period, Moodle has constantly evolved and improved, but Moodle 2 is the first major overhaul in its architecture and core functionality since 2002.
What is the difference between Moodle 2 and Moodle 1.9?
Fans of Moodle will be glad to know that it retains all the positives of the previous version, but adds a great deal more. Benefits of a Moodle 2 upgrade include:
– An improved interface and easy development of new themes. – Creation of user communities, known as ‘community hubs’. Teachers and users in different communities are able to share information and courses. – Simple management of student enrolment and tracking of progress. – Easy integration with e-portfolio systems, such as Mahara, as well as online tools such as YouTube and Google Docs.
How to Upgrade to Moodle 2
The upgrade process can be complex, but moving to Moodle 2 straight away is not always the best option. Some plugins are not yet compatible, so those who are tied to their add-ons may want to investigate whether a Moodle 2 upgrade is currently the best option.
An expert such as a Moodle Partner can advise on the best time and way to upgrade.