Beyond SCORM and Project Tin Can: Mike Rustici and Aaron E Silvers


This joint session addressed the findings of Project Tin Can – ADL’s consultation with the e-learning industry undertaken by Rustici software with additional input from ADL’s Aaron Silvers.

Scorm has been a success as it has brought standardisation, but increasingly the SCORM solution to integrate games, virtual reality, augmented reality, mobile learning and simulations is getting harder and is certainly not pretty!

Feedback from the research undertaken as part of “Project Tin Can” requested next generation Scorm to be both simple and powerful!

Balancing simplicity and power is key, and the phrase “I Did This” is the basis of the new thinking around how learning will be recorded and as a new way of communicating learning experiences.

I Did This
Noun Verb Object
The new hires Completed Induction

The Learning Record Store (LRS) will be the key element – formerly the SCORM player will be the residual, with this new powerful approach leading to out of the browser experiences being created, both on and offline learning, crossing domains and devices, with data models being de-coupled, to isolate communication from content as below:

It is back to “Activity streams” and Scandinavian Activity Theory” – see for understanding, but they form the means of collecting social metadata, and will highlight how people use learning materials, and what materials are being used for learning purposes, and this is the fresh start perspective coming from Tin Can, a solution without legacy issues!

The new Federal Learning Registry is a major development and based around the latest thinking emerging from ADL, with tagged learning materials designed to allow teachers to find what they are looking for quickly. Secondly to allow teachers to record what they thought of the learning – how useful was it, and how they used it! – Activity Streams in action.

While Tin Can is a new start ADL will according to Silvers support legacy SCORM.

However the role of the community (as self-organised networks) in learning beyond SCORM  will become key, and the learner recording and learning recording engines are anticipated to arrive from the community. – The new standard is all about making data available, and how it is analysed is down to organisational choice.

This is a very significant change in our view: the whole nature of learning reporting is changing. The change in mind set is the key issue as learning changes from a “complete and record for compliance” to “I Did That”.