Still sticking with the Cloud we come to Mike Rustici and “Scorm in The Cloud”.
Scorm experts Rustici Software are a company we pay close attention to, and we have recommend their solution to organisations here in the UK.
There is no doubt that while Scorm has been widely used and adopted by the e-learning industry, it can be quite daunting to many who see it as a barrier to e-learning development, and not for what it was designed for – an enabler of interoperability.
Rustici’s premise is “Scorm does work, but it takes a lot of work!”
Rustici have addressed this issue with the Scorm Cloud, and it was great to see a real example of how The Cloud is making a real difference. Mike Rustici listed the benefits of the solution, the Scorm could assures you that it is always up to date with the latest standards, it is ready for immediate delivery, learners can connect from anywhere and it allows rapid scaling. Finally and crucially for many smaller organisations in our view a pay as you use model that neatly overcomes the need for costly upfront investment and no doubt rapid depreciation!
The cloud adds a new dimension to the flexibility of what can be achieved as it allows for API’s and “Mash-Ups” to integrate analytics (those again), talent management solutions (didn’t seem much in evidence at Devlearn as far as we noted) and more.
The Scorm cloud now offers “Trackability as a Service.”