The Guide to Learning and Study Skills by Sue Drew and Rose Bingham

Reviewed by Bob Little
A book – itself a piece of learning material – about how to learn may seem an unusual way approach the subject, since in order to learn what the book would teach you, you have to have already learnt how to learn (at least via reading).
However, this book does more than advocate learning things. Intended for those in higher education and the world of work, the book argues that skills are needed for reflection, analysis, communication and recording information in order to produce high quality work, engage with others and perform well in exams.
Moreover, learners also need personal skills in order to handle time pressure and to relate to others on a course or in the workplace. Dealing with effective and efficient ways of learning within a traditional learning environment and within a blended learning environment, the authors also discuss the use of personal and professional development planning, continuing professional development (CPD) and work-based learning. It is hard to see a student buying this book for her/himself but maybe the title will appeal to well-meaning parents, aunts – and even the student’s more mature friends.
(Gower, ISBN 978-0-566-09233-6, price £17.99, also available as a CD-ROM, price £3,500 + VAT and as photocopy masters at £1,000 + VAT) –