Virtual College
Virtual College are one of the UK’s leading and most respected e-learning company. Since being founded in 1995 Virtual College have delivered e-learning courses to over 1 million learners and in this video we explain why we like their content.
The Virtual College materials have been used widely by the NHS, Local Authorities, Housing Associations and many many private sector organisations.
The materials are “e-learning interactives” well designed to ensure learners engage with them effectively. This is a mark of good design as many of the topics addressed are compliance led topics and the learning needs to be engaging and effective, which it most certainly is.
The Virtual College collection covers Health and Social Care, with a focus on data security in Health and Social Care. Lean Healthcare is another requirement addressed by the Virtual College courses available. Health and Safety is well covered with topics include PAT Testing, Asbestos Awareness, Welding Safety and more.
Virtual College has also produced some excellent e-learning materials covering leadership and management which addresses some of the thornier issues of running a business or managing a team, such as Managing Sickness and Absence, Managing Working Parents and Managing Redundancy.
Learning Light has closely evaluated this range of e-learning content and is delighted to bring it to market as it has passed our e-LCET approval process.
These e-learning courses are now available at very competitive prices as individual courses making top quality e-learning accessible to individual learners and smaller companies on demand.