Published in 2004, Maggie McPherson and Miguel Nunes, leading e-learning academics, both then at the University of Sheffield, produced this very well-researched work, building on their influential NICLS (Network Information and Communication literacy skills) approach and the very useful general Education Systems Design (ESD) model.
“Developing Innovation in Online Learning” introduces action research as a method of developing e-learning modules and courses.
The book covers both the theory and practice of applying action research principles to develop online learning. The material is grounded in the experiences of practitioners and features practical advice, case-studies, models for implementation, a design framework and e-tutoring strategies.
The four ‘building blocks’ of e-learning covered are:
* the organisational context
* the pedagogic model
* the educational setting
* the evaluation process.
This book will be an essential resource for education managers, course developers, and educational researchers.
Dr McPherson, now at the University of Leeds, is presently chair of the Learning Light steering group