COSHH Awareness (Video)

coshh awareness videoCourse Overview

This course will aim to give you an overview of COSHH Awareness, and will cover many areas that you will need to take into consideration when dealing with hazardous substances.

At the end of the course, trainees will be able to:

» Understand the dangers of what COSHH is.

» Identify hazards & risks as well as new warning symbols and their descriptions.

» Deal with the correct exposure routes, limits and control measures.

» Understand what to do when dealing with emergencies and the disposal of hazardous substances

Our view… It teaches you about the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health and how these hazardous substances can damage you and your employees.

Buy the COSHH Awareness (Video) Course

ROSPA Approved Training Course

This training course is approved by ROSPA – The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.