Mobile learning is still proving a challenge to many organisations, with a series of complex and costly solutions emerging on the market, when in our view mobile learning is really about additionality of learning opportunities, flexibility of learning opportunities,...
BETT or Learning Technologies Show
With Learning Technologies (LTs) and BETT overlapping for the first time in 2013, we took the opportunity to visit both in quick succession and offer some very real time comparisons. Location, location and organisation Why the overlap, well LTs and its sister show...
What we will see at Learning Technologies 2013
As my inbox fills up with invites to visit stands at Learning Technologies, and Training Press releases gets busier and busier with announcements of launches and seminars, we know Learning Technologies is fully upon us. As well as our usual review based on visiting...
When will the tipping point come for mobile learning?
There is an ever growing conviction, and no shortage of investment in mobile learning technologies by the e-learning industry at present, indicating a firm belief that this is the "now" or "next" big thing! In an industry given over to a little too much hype and...
Is e-learning becoming more popular in the UK?
The e-learning market has long been predicted to grow, indeed it is over a decade since Andy Grove of Intel fame predicted that e-learning will be the next big thing….and somehow the promise, in the eyes of many, has never quite materialised. Yet quietly and perhaps...