Are you looking for help creating the best e-learning strategy to meet the current and future training needs of your organisation Here we highlight some of the best e-learning companies and consultants in the UK – depending on your sector, your stage in the planning process, and your unique requirements.
Evaluating Content & Choosing an LMS Provider – Learning Light
Of course, we’ll start with our own areas of expertise, which are helping organisations to choose the right off-the-shelf e-learning content libraries for their teams and finding the best learning management systems (LMS) to meet their specific needs.
For e-learning companies looking to improve their solutions, we also offer an evaluation service where we analyse and critique your offering, giving your constructive advice and areas to work on. We can also help you to enter new sectors or territories and to grow your market share.
Where you are an e-learning solutions buyer or provider, we use process and data-driven methodologies to developing reports and offering advice.
We evaluate content using our unique e-Learning Content Evaluation Tool (e-LCET), which visualises areas of strength and weakness within content.
For LMS procurement, we go through a very structured 5-step process to help ensure you get the right learning management system for your current and future needs, from a reputable company, and at the best price.
Blended Learning – Aleido UK
A UK e-learning company with a pedigree going back over two decades is Aleido UK. While some companies push the latest and shiniest technologies (some of which can turn out to be fads), Aleido UK are more savvy and prioritise what should work for each client and their unique environment and challenges.
Often, a blended learning approach is most appropriate, combining the benefits of both e-learning and the face to face ‘classroom training’ environment.
They can work with a client’s own in-house trainers or source the best external training providers to create a blended learning solution that combines online with documents such as workbooks and manuals, seminars, diagnostic tools, one to one tuition and coaching, conferences and much more.
Read more about blended learning solutions from Aleido UK on their website.
Mobile Learning – LEO
While many companies create online learning solutions that are ‘mobile-friendly’ in that they are usable on phones and tablets, LEO have a great deal of expertise when it comes to developing ‘mobile-first’ e-learning.
A true mobile learning solution is much more than respnsive design for multiple devices – it’s about understanding the different situation and mindset of a learner that must acquire knowledge and skills while on the go.
Often, this involves ‘Just In Time Learning’ to help deal with unexpected situations and bitesize learning that can be acquired at speed remotely – often with limited Internet access.
While learning at the speed of need is often the requirement of mobile learning, it can also be about adding an extra layer of immersion to an existing experience through the use of a smartphone.
For example, LEO used Augmented Reality (AR) to help Honda to layer additional information on top of real objects and environments using mobile devices. Such technology can be valuable beyond staff training and enhance sales and customer service through Customer Education.
Learn more about Mobile Learning created by LEO on their website.
e-Learning Development – Day One
Day One are true e-learning experts, with over 20 years of experience in working closely with clients on e-learning strategy, development and implementation.
Their methodology is grounded in combining expertise in learning psychology with the latest web and learning technology. This has helped them to leverage e-learning to make training faster and more effective for some of the biggest names in the UK and Europe, including the likes of Lloyds Business Banking, BOC Industrial Gases and TSB.
Learn more about how their e-learning strategy and consulting services have delivered tangible business benefits for their clients, including improved staff attrition and reduced time to competency.
Open Source / Moodle Solutions – Titus Learning
Many organisations choose open source technology as a future proof solution. It allows them develop a system in-house and later engage an external expert or vice versa. Crucially, open source technology frees you from ‘vendor lock-in’ because it separates the product from the provider.
So, if you go with an open source e-learning solution like Moodle, you could in theory switch provider without the headache and potential expense of also then needing to switch to a new LMS as well.
Moodle is the world’s most popular LMS with millions of learners and tens of thousands of installations in virtually every country across the globe. While its background is in education, it has become the corporate LMS of choice for the likes of Microsoft, the Open University, Shell and many more leading brands.
Titus Learning is one of the world’s leading Moodle Partners – the select group of Moodle developers endorsed by Moodle HQ as offering expertise and value for money for clients, demonstrated by years of successful projects.
To make Moodle even more powerful for the specific needs of corporate e-learning, they recently announced the launch of Moodle Workplace. Titus Learning are well-placed to also be a leading Moodle Workplace provider to business users anywhere in the world.
If you’re looking to speak to an e-learning expert to help you with consulting and strategy, then one of these companies should be able to help you.