Key Account Sales Planning

key account sales planningThese 7 e-learning videos lasting over 1 hour cover Key Account Sales Planning.

It has been said that “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This program introduces the Key Account Sales Worksheet, which is designed to help you capture all the information you need to drive your sales efforts.

Account types A crucial question in key account selling is, “How do I manage my selling time?” You must identify, categorize, and prioritize key accounts in order to make the best use of the limited time you have available. This shows how to segment your territory into four different kinds of key accounts, and then how to determine the right amount of attention to give them in order to achieve sustainable sales growth.

• Key Account Selling Worksheet

• Account Types

• Business Condition: Analysing the Opportunity
• Stages of the Sale: Conceptual Selling
• Buying Criteria: Influencing the Decision Criteria
• Buyer Roles: Selling to Key Account Buyers
• Buyer Wins: Identifying Personal and Organizational Wins

Our View….the second course in the Key Account Series These e-learning videos give a really solid explanation to the sophisticated skills needed to succeed as a Key Account sales person We can learn a lot from the Americans when it comes to sales, and this gives a good perspective and will provide a solid grounding for Key accounts selling. This is part of a larger 30 part series.

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