Virtual College recently sent out an LMS market survey in late 2016, where they asked organisations how they felt about their current Learning Management Systems. The results highlighted a mix of opinions that people feel towards their current LMS.

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Perhaps most strikingly was that only 58 per cent of people rated their LMS as above average, meaning that 42 per cent of respondents felt unsatisfied with their platform. This was highlighted further by the fact that 38 per cent of those who had used their LMS for over 2 years disliked it.

There were a number of different reasons that people chose to explain how they felt about their LMS. 62 per cent of people stated the main reason that they liked their LMS was because it was easy to use, closely followed by 44 per cent who said it was affordable.  This contrasted with 56 per cent of respondents saying they disliked their provider because it lacked the features it needed, as well as 37 per cent claiming that it was difficult to use. These results highlight just how important usability is for user satisfaction.

One final statistic to come out of the survey was that only 38 per cent of people are using a well-known LMS, meaning that 62 per cent are using a system that is not widely accessed. This emphasises the idea that there is no system currently available that is enjoyed by a majority of the market.

Check out the LMS Survey Infographic produced by Virtual College.